Southwest Water Authority has received a Certificate of Compliance for Safe Drinking Water Act from the North Dakota Department of Health. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) applies to every public water system in the United States. Southwest Water Authority’s five public water systems each achieved this Certificate of Compliance. These public water systems include service from the Water Treatment Plant in Dickinson, the OMND (Oliver, Mercer, North Dunn) Water Treatment Plant north of Zap, Crown Butte, Junction Inn and Tower Hill pocket areas in Morton County.
By law, all public water systems are required by the SDWA to take actions to protect source water and provide safe drinking water. The SDWA was passed by Congress to protect public health by regulating the nation’s public drinking supplies. It was first passed in 1974, where it focused on treatment as means of providing safe drinking water at the tap. In was amended in 1986 and again in 1996. The 1996 amendments enhanced the existing law by recognizing source water protection, funding for water system improvements and public information as important components of safe drinking water.
The United States EPA sets national standards for drinking water to ensure consistent quality in our nation’s water supply. The North Dakota Department of Health requires a yearly assessment for all of the State’s public water systems. Each year Southwest Water Authority has met the required standards to achieve a SDWA Certificate of Compliance.